Building waste should adhere to the use of resources, environmental protection guidelines, follow the rapid removal of the principle of the nearest processing. Preparation - preparation processing implementation plan survey to assess damage to buildings. Guidelines require the preparation of the disaster construction waste implementation plan should be the responsibility of the relevant local department of organizational units of the damaged buildings require removal of the distribution process, the number of species to investigate, assess. Of the proposed backfill, stacking, landfill siting places, removal treatment options, secondary pollution control measures should be evaluated. Containing or suspected infectious biological contaminants, pollution and toxic and hazardous infectious hazardous chemicals destroyed buildings, must be declared, recording or risk assessment, for shunt removal and provide the basis for separate treatment. Protect the value of the damaged old buildings and traditional houses, etc., should conduct a detailed assessment of registration and in coordination with relics administrative department, in order to facilitate reconstruction in the "traditional materials, traditional crafts, traditional forms, the traditional function" principle. Removal process - Classification cleanup classification shipment to prevent secondary pollution.
About stricken construction waste removal, proposed guidelines for damaged buildings garbage, and biological contaminants, pollution and toxic and hazardous infectious hazardous chemicals and other special waste, should be carried out under the relevant departments with separate after shunt in accordance with relevant regulations and standards alone timely transfer deal. Containing or suspected infectious biological contaminants, infectious sources of construction waste, difficult to separate, should determine the regional scope, disinfection treatment under the guidance of health workers, the sending district sanitary landfill for disposal. When cleaning up construction debris, should the muck, waste brick, concrete waste, scrap wood, scrap steel and other classification shipment classification after stacking transported to disposal sites. Guidelines require the affected areas in removal of construction waste, backfill, temporary storage or landfill process should take the necessary measures to prevent secondary pollution. When construction waste disposal operations, should be disinfected as needed. For building mixed with garbage landfill should insecticide, rodent treatment. Construction garbage sorting operation sites sprinkler spray to reduce dust generation and pollution. Treatment and disposal - take backfilling three ways to strengthen waste resource utilization. Guidelines proposed construction waste disposal into the backfill use, staging three ways stacking and landfill disposal. Construction waste backfill use mainly for site preparation, road embankment, filling depressions and so on. For site preparation, construction and road construction waste should be backfilled after use in accordance with the requirements of crushing depression filled for construction waste crushing directly without the use of backfill. The main advantage of construction waste staging yard suburban town or valley lowlands construction, etc., the conditions are ripe, can be construction waste resource utilization or transported to landfill for disposal. Construction waste staging yard should be located in easily accessible from a source close to the construction waste generated, not the recent plan to use, stacking storage capacity to meet the requirements of the staging area. Landfill construction can city and county as a unit to focus settings. Landfill construction should choose natural low-lying terrain of valleys (Au), quarry waste pit accessibility, transport distance and reasonable use of low-value land, groundwater-poor areas; landfill capacity within the service area should ensure that the damaged the amount of construction waste landfill construction and reconstruction. Construction waste is also a renewable resource, including sediment, waste brick, concrete waste, scrap wood, scrap steel, scrap metal and other components. Affected areas should be given priority use of construction waste utilization and the nearest filling simple, practical way to recycle. For reusable, damaged protective value of ancient buildings and traditional houses and other structural components, maintenance components, especially decorative elements, according to the original process, building (structure) of the original function is applied to the reconstruction of buildings on the original location .