The so-called manufactured sand, is the addition to the soil treated by mechanical crushing, screening made of particle size less than 4.75mm of rock particles. Natural sand have sand, river sand and mountains of sand. Whether it is natural sand or manufactured sand, a long time, according to the specifications can be divided into gravel, coarse sand, sand, sand and so on. For a long time our building is mainly used for sand and gravel river sand, after years of excessive mining of sand and gravel, not only the ecological environment of river and river safety overwhelmed and nearly exhausted resources, broad based price. Manufactured sand sufficient raw materials, "as long as there is a place you can produce stone manufactured sand", urban construction waste and mine tailings manufactured sand can also be developed as a raw material. Compared to the river sand, the use of high-quality manufactured sand to better control the quality of construction. Stable and low price is greater manufactured sand advantage. River sand is called soft gold, but with the development of the construction industry, natural sand river sand is nearly exhausted, with the introduction of a variety of policies to protect the resources, but in no-take policy, gravel whether prices? Quality and how guarantee?
Sand and gravel in the concrete accounted for about 80 percent; river sand can be divided according to sources of raw materials (including Lake sand), sea sand, mountain sand and other natural sand and sand, according to the specifications can be divided into gravel, coarse sand, medium Sand, sand and so on. According to the survey, the night before the digging of river sand can profit of 10 million, but with the protection of resources, the depletion of natural sand river sand, sand and gravel supply shortage, leading to high prices is not a good buy gravel. Illegal exploitation of river sand damage to the ecological environment is huge. China Building Materials Science Research Institute Professor increase even think, "the ban on logging did not need a few years, China has no natural sand, and the North has been digging at good river sand, the Yangtze River basin will Hunan, Jiangxi left that dug up too fast. "river sand can not meet the future needs of the market. In this huge supply gap, sand and is widely considered to be a substitute for river sand, and the obvious advantages. The so-called sand, is the addition to the soil treated by mechanical crushing, screening made of particle size less than 4.75mm of rock particles. Sand sufficient raw materials, "as long as there is a place you can produce stone sand", urban construction waste and mine tailings sand can also be developed as a raw material. Compared to the river sand, the use of high-quality sand to better control the quality of construction. Stable and low price is greater sand advantage. As the most powerful sand production equipment manufacturers, data Henan Liming Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. showed that the use of high-quality sand per square concrete can reduce the amount of cement than 50 kg. At present, a lot of the cement industry has been planned restructuring aggregates production. I build sand production equipment when thousands of tons of sand to fill the large Sand vacancies in professional developmen to make output more perfect type of sand grains, sand became a turning point in the history of industrial development.