Molybdenum ore beneficiation methods mainly flotation recovery of molybdenum minerals are molybdenite. Sometimes in order to improve the quality of molybdenum, the need to remove impurities, and then the molybdenum concentrate chemical beneficiation processing. Molybdenite crystal hexagonal layered or sheet-like structure along the inter-layer S-Mo-S structure and the inner layer of polar Fan Jian S-Mo covalent bond formation. Bonding between the layers is weak, while covalent bonding within a layer is very strong. So between molybdenite easily disintegrate along the structural layer flaky or tabular output, which is chalcocite natural floatability good reason. Practice has proved that: under the appropriate grinding fineness, Hui molybdenite crystals from solution takes place between S-Mo-S layers, S-Mo surface hydrophilic small proportion. But over the mill, the proportion of S-Mo surface increases, can floating down new slimes although this time adding a certain amount of polar collector as xanthate class, which facilitates recovery of molybdenite-hui, but excessive wear resulting affect flotation. Therefore molybdenite sorting to avoid and prevent excessive wear on production requires the use of multi-segmented grinding and sorting process, and gradually achieve monomer dissociation, ensure high recovery of molybdenum concentrate.
Crushing molybdenum generally a closed three-stage process, crushing final product size of 12 to 15 mm. Usually grinding mill or rod mill - milling processes. Flotation using flotation method. Crude output of molybdenum rougher concentrate, crude scavenging tailings recovery associated minerals or discarded. Coarse molybdenum concentrate using two, three sections and then grinding, four, five times to obtain the final selection of molybdenum concentrate. For more information, please contact our online customer service, we will be happy to serve you, to provide you with the entire mining crushing equipment and solutions. Molybdenite flotation is one of the most vulnerable mineral crystal scaly structure, a non-polar mineral, easily nonpolar hydrocarbon oil flotation. Molybdenite also be ionic flotation (such as xanthate) flotation, but rarely used in practice. Because ionic flotation collectors can simultaneously other sulphide minerals. Oxidation of molybdenite difficult, but also more difficult to suppress. Commonly used inhibitors dextrin, starch. Flotation modifier used soda. Glass of water containing sludge often be dispersed. Molybdenum oxide minerals are rare, it is difficult to float.