With the development of our national economy, the development of mining mineral processing industry is the be on the upgrade, and the automatic control of grinding and classification in mineral processing technology is more and more important. In the process of metal ore and nonmetal ore dressing plant in the process of crushing and grinding, assume for the following separation process for the task of providing material. From mining to concentrator ore is the upper limit of size 1500 - lOOOmm (mining) to 600 400mm (underground) loose hybrid particle swarm, and processing requirements for particle size is 0.2 -0.1mm or more, which shows, crushing and grinding process is a process of reducing the granularity, is to provide material for the subsequent separation process. The useful minerals in the ore (for recovery of minerals and gangue minerals (to be) abandoned mineral) embedded in close together, the useful minerals and gangue minerals and other useful minerals are left to choose another solution is the premise condition, is also the primary task of grinding. Therefore, the grinding ore in nature is a dissociative grinding. Full dissociation is not useful mineral is cast called high yield and grade of concentrate. The useful minerals and gangue mineral intergrowth state is not easy to recover, even if the recovery of low grade. Therefore, the primary requirement of dressing of grinding is that the grinding products have high monomer dissociation degree, which is the primary standard of judging the quality of the grinding products.
Various processing methods are subject to size restrictions, have the appropriate size, too coarse granularity selection of candidates is not up, too small size is difficult to recover. Therefore, to choose don't provide the raw material particle size is appropriate grinding second tasks. It is worth noting. The grinding products of coarse grain size and be fine opportunity (if it is a closed circuit grinding or more than two sections of grinding). Over crushed minerals is no chance of recovery. It can be said, can not only increase the power consumption of crushing and grinding of steel consumption in the process of deterioration, and sorting process and cause the waste of mineral resources, in the process of grinding should be reduced as low as possible from particle level. To sum up, crushing and grinding is the aim and task, make useful mineral fully in the monomer dissociation and suitable size sorting, crushing and light as far as possible, uniform product size.