Copper resources in China has the following characteristics: high-grade ore less lean ore more; single copper deposit less total (with) Deposits and more; large and giant ore less, more small and medium sized ore; ore types complicated development conditions poor, vulnerable less prone mining beneficiation, mining more difficult refractory. Copper resources, in addition to most of the copper sulfide oxidation in bed with the Ministry, there is a huge amount of independent Tibet oxide copper deposit in the industrial exploitation of copper ore with a value, the oxidation of copper and copper mixed about accounting for 1/4 of the amount of copper metal. With the gradual reduction of high-grade sulphide copper resources, the development of oxidized copper mining sector has attracted great attention, in particular, the development and utilization of refractory oxide copper mining and metallurgy workers become the focus of scientific research. Today, the main types of mountains and small series of difficult election oxidized copper ore, and we discussed.
The main ore types: 1. chrysocolla type. The type of oxide copper minerals mainly chrysocolla, secondly also contain malachite, azurite, black copper, cuprite and other binding style copper and copper halloysite and a small amount of secondary sulfides. Chrysocolla much into a short pulse or groups dispersed in the rock, is a difficult selection oxidized copper ore, the general segregation - flotation, chemical processing and other methods processing. 2. cuprite type. The type of oxide copper ore with cuprite and malachite-based, other oxides, followed by small secondary sulfide content, mineral often lumps and disseminated. 3. brochantite type. The type of oxide copper ore with alum class-based, often into hair-like, needle-like aggregates and sand filling holes and cracks in leaching, some granulated sugar piled into a muddy substance with mine, taste richer, pulse silicate minerals minerals, limonite, carbonate minerals. 4. bound. This type of formula to bind copper oxide ore or copper halloysite mainly copper oxide fine particles, are included in the uniform distribution of limonite or muddy substance in a package. In most oxidized ore accounted for in certain components, such as silicate gangue, the selection of these minerals belong difficult; if carbonate gangue minerals, are the complex and difficult selection. Commonly used methods of chemical beneficiation beneficiation method and segregation - flotation method. 5. copper oxide mixed. The type of oxide copper ore with chrysocolla, alum class, combined with refractory minerals such as copper and malachite, azurite, cuprite and so easy to choose a mineral mix symbiosis. If silicate gangue and limonite ore is a matter difficult selection; if carbonate gangue minerals, are the complex and difficult selection. By chemical beneficiation - flotation, ammonia take - extraction - electrowinning method, segregation - flotation processing methods. 6. oxide - sulphide minerals mixed. The type of an oxide ore, but also sulfides. Mostly in oxides malachite, hematite, azurite and some combination of style chalcopyrite, chalcocite sulfide mostly blue chalcocite, bornite, covellite and other complex components, coarse granularity , is a complex and difficult selection oxidized copper.